Throwing another name in the hat - Squishy Babbler

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Throwing another name in the hat - Squishy Babbler

Postby Squishy Babbler » Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:04 pm

Thought I would toss my name in the "pick me, pick me" pot and see what comes of it.

A little back ground is in order I guess, so here it goes...

40 years old (damn that seems old even to me!)
Canadian, residing on the left coast :D
Used to be involved with a gaming clan [MC] (started with the original MoHAA) used to have a blast playing against other clans in scrims and matches (went by the name Cowincape there, just in case anyone on here used to play MoHAA)

Well that's enough old man rambling.

Thanks Kindly
aka: Squishy Babbler <-- name was one of those file planet "generated" user names, since it refused to except anything I came up with on my own, and it just sort of stuck.

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